Hi, I'm Robbie, a Storyteller from Pennsylvania.

Hello, thank you for taking the time to review my work! I'm Robert Matan, an alumni of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, where I earned a BFA in Applied Media Arts with a focus on Computer Animation. My journey in animation has been driven by a deep curiosity and a passion for learning, as well as a desire to inspire others, just as I was inspired as a child.

Growing up as a Pittsburgh Native, my family always encouraged me to explore, question, and learn. At a young age, I watched a film that completely opened my eyes to the possibilities of animation: Toy Story. This groundbreaking movie sparked my curiosity and ignited my passion for the art form. A few years later, experiencing the wonder of Star Wars in the theater had a profound impact on me. The exotic alien worlds and epic space battles showcased in the series filled me with awe and wonder, reshaping the way I viewed subsequent Toy Story films.

These early experiences fueled my desire to create my own animated stories and captivate audiences the way I was captivated. Beyond animation, I discovered a love for writing and storytelling. It became a natural extension of my creativity, allowing me to craft immersive narratives that touch people's hearts and ignite their imaginations.

In my downtime, you'll often find me practicing yoga, as I consider myself a passionate yogi. Yoga not only helps me stay grounded and focused, but also fuels my storytelling. It encourages mindfulness, which in turn inspires me to create narratives that resonate with people on a deeper level. To further cultivate my focus and expand my creativity, I've also embraced meditation. These practices have proven invaluable during longer animation sessions and have helped me channel my passion for animation into crafting my own stories.

Ultimately, my goal is to inspire and connect with audiences through animation and storytelling. I strive to create narratives that not only entertain but also leave a lasting impact, just as the films of my childhood left a profound mark on me. I'm excited to continue honing my skills, exploring new avenues of creativity, and inspiring others along the way.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about my journey! I'm eager to embark on new projects that allow me to share my passion and inspire audiences worldwide.


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